Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Book Rating Method

For the up-and-coming book reviews, I thought I would give an overview of my personal scoring method. A book's Score will accompany each review.

Marsceau Book Score

50% - Recommendation Level

10% = Not recommended
20% = Hardly recommended
30% = Medium recommendation
40% = Recommended
50% = Highly recommended

25% - Evaluation of Contents

1-5% = Enjoyability of reading
1-5% = Relevance of topic
1-5% = Portrayal of topic
1-5% = Soundness of reasoning
1-5% = Effectiveness of purpose

10% - Layout of Material

1-3% = Organization
1-3% = Style
1-2% = Indexing / references
1-2% = Editing / Proof-reading

15% - Agreement with Personal Beliefs

5% = Not very much
10% = Give and take
15% = Very much

Total = Book Score
Maximum Book Score = 100%
Minimum Book Score = 24%

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